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Workshop about Renaissance polyphony of the Schola Romana
Workshop held by Fabio Avolio

Interpretation and executive procedure of roman polyphony
The Schola Romana of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594)
chapel master in St. Peter in Vatican

The "Permanent Seminary of Polifonia Romana" is borned at the National Institute of Roman Study with the intent of divulge the study and the knowledge of roman polyphony with conferences, concerts and choral classes.

The presentation of the Workshop is to examine briefly the executive praxis of those times or époque, evaluating if and how this method can still be applied nowadays with our Choirs particularly with the execution of the Renaissance repertoire of the Schola Romana.

The intention of this workshop is to find useful references that do not detract from the historical interpretation of this repertoire and that, at the same time, represent a proposal for a concrete interpretation to follow, based on some basic concepts.