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National Institute of Roman Studies
No profit cultural institution
The National Institute of Studi Romani - onlus – deal with Rome from every point of view (history, archeology, art but also from the urbanistic, linguistic, social and economic point of view) and in each time of his millenarian history, from the ancient times to nowadays.

In the Institute, the aim of the scientific research and that of the high spreading are tightly bind: the results of research can be seen in the rich catalogue of publications.

In addition, many national and international conferences are organized and also study days, competitions, inspections to monuments, art and excavation collections in Rome, all over Italy and abroad.

Founded in 1925 by Carlo Galassi Paluzzi and raised to the status of Ente Morale the following year, the Institute has been renewed on academic base in 1951, and it is registered in the list of cultural institutions admitted to the ordinary State grant.

Created by a government-appointed commission and then headed by Quinto Tosatti (1944.1960), Pietro Romanelli (1960-1980), Giorgio Petrocchi (1980-1984), Luigi de Nardis (1984-1992), Gaetano Miarelli Mariani (1992-1996) and Mario Petrucciani (1996-16 luglio 2001), Mario Mazza (2001-2008), it is now headed by Professor Paolo Sommella.

The working plan has always been from the beginning very well organized, oriented versus a strict research, that brought from the very beginning to an important editorial production.

Its official body was at the beginning the magazine "Roma", funded in 1923. It ended in 1944, from 1953 the voice of the Institute became "Studi Romani", which is still existing. The scientific and cultural activities are monthly made known through the "Rassegna d'Informazioni dell'Istituto Nazionale di Studi Romani".