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Vocal Group OCTOinCHORO
The Schola Romana Polyphony
This group is a team of 8 professional singers and it was born in Rome with the intent of promotion and divulges the enormous heritage of sacred polyphony.

The Group is particularly committed to the study of sacred polyphony of Schola Romana, but it increases its repertoire up to including polyphonic songs of contemporary artists of sacred music.

Founded and directed from Fabio Avolio, OCTOinCHORO's objective is divulge using concert, choral classes and hystorical-musical performance, the big polyphonic repertoire of our culture and roman polyphonic tradition, with a particular attention to the sacred production of Renaissance.

In 2007, with the invite of Italian Embassy, the Group performs a tournée in Sweden at the Catholic Cathedral in Stockholm, here it performs motets from the repertoire of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and other composed by Cardinale Domenico Bartolucci.

OCTOinCHORO performs a lot of concerts and take part to clinic and other cultural initiatives in Italy and in other countries.
Schola Romana

With Schola Romana we mean a group of composers, most of all are sacred music composers, they work in Rome between the XVI and the XVII century, their production start since late Renaissance to first Baroque.

Many of that composers was united with Holy See and with Musical Pontifical Chapel, but they worked with many churches in Rome.

The most famous exponent of Schola Romana in the XVI century was Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594), he is considered the "Princeps Musicae" (Prince of Music), his name was associated for over four century to the most pure perfection of contrapuntal style.